5 of my works will be exhibited from 30/06/2021 - 19/12/2021 at Can Framis Museum, Vila Casa, Barcelona

What makes a relationship toxic? A relationship is toxic when one partner is passive and the other actively exploitative. A relationship is toxic when there is no mutual listening. A relationship is toxic when there is no caring. A relationship is toxic when there is no honesty. A relationship is toxic when one partner takes and takes without giving anything in return.
The reflection behind "We are in a Toxic Relationship" is the following: We cannot live without nature and we depend on it, we are aware of our actions and we are causing it pain, but we feel uncomfortable to face the damage we cause. "We are dancing with nature, while at the same time we are dancing with the very things that are killing it. We are not partners, we are not even allies, we are accomplices".
Director: Pedro Vicente.
Curatorial team: Paula Ferrer Bech, Carolina Kadich, Dihue Miguens, Antónia Nascimento, Denisse Ariana Pérez, and myself.